Pressing service

Our oil mill performs crushing and milling services for third parties . We have a latest generation three-phase Alfa Laval plant. Each batch is suitably checked, then weighed, washed and processed individually.

The kneading temperature is agreed with the customer in advance. At the end of the extraction process, each producer will be able to collect his oil or request a sensory chemical analysis, thus obtaining an adequate classification of his product. You can also consult with us to correct any errors in harvesting or storing the fruit which could cause lower quality.

Our strength is professionalism and love for this work . In this regard we declare to everyone, even to small producers, the maximum of our attention.

Aware that the delicate balance of our territory cannot ignore a particular attention to the cultivation of the olive tree, days dedicated to olive growing are often organized in our mill, with the participation of specialized agronomists, in which issues relating to the correct collection of olives and biological fly control.